How to Create Candles Yourself

Making candles at your home is a fun and easy activity you can do with just about anyone. Remember if you plan this activity for the children that you will want to take special safety measures to avoid any mishaps occurring with the boiling water or hot wax which is necessary for this project. I think this is a great project for kids around eight years old and up.

candles First get some water boiling and gather your supplies. You will need a coffee pot to put the wax in, and this pot will go into the boiling water. You can also create more unique candles fairly easily by adding coloring or scents to the wax. For now, you can just let the wax melt in the hot water.

Mix the wax as it is melting to make sure you get a uniform texture. Then you can take it out of the water and begin making the candles. If you want to add fragrances or color, now is the time to stir that in. You can create unique and intricate designs by stirring the colors in a deliberate way. Next, you take the wick and dip it into the wax. You should have a can of water next to the wax, so that you can dip the developing candle in and cool down the wax. It makes it go much faster. Some individuals like to form their candles, which you can start to do after dipping it in water. Repeat this process until you are happy with your candle. You can also trim it with a knife as you go if you want a certain shape. You may have to reheat the wax sometimes if you are making a lot or just a few large candles.

Again, be very mindful of basic safety procedures, specifically if you are going to do this with kids. Although it is a common activity for kids, taking the proper precautions can ensure that everyone has fun and nobody gets hurt. Just a friendly reminder to be aware of things like the hot wax and boiling water during this process.

If you just make regular old candles this will get boring after you do it a couple times. Adding colors and scents to the candles makes it much more fun, too. You can create very exceptional candles and before too long you can even surpass the quality you see in many common candle stores. For example, the candles in a jar you see in many mall stores are incredibly easy to make. Essentially, the wax is just poured right in over the wick so once you have it all prepared its basically done. Scenting it and coloring it is easy after only a few tries!